7 Embedded Systems Trends: Revolutionary Tech Trends in 2023

7 Embedded Systems Trends: Revolutionary Tech Trends in 2023
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Everything from computers to aircraft relies on embedded systems. They are essential because we depend on so many different systems that involve them. As the demand for digital gadgets continues to rise, so does the need for embedded systems.

Because of their adaptability, embedded systems are finding use in a wide variety of emerging markets. Since embedded systems are widely used in mobile phone networks, the telecommunications sector is a major market for this technology. 

But, besides that, what are some other major trends that could dramatically change the landscape? First, let’s talk about embedded system characteristics.

Embedded System Definition

It takes hardware, software, and an OS to make an embedded system. Interface, power source, and communication ports are all part of the hardware development package. Languages such as C are used to generate code in the software domain. When it comes to embedded systems, the most well-organized OS is RTOS (Real Time Operating System). There are typically three tiers of embedded systems, from the most basic to the most complex.

Without preparation, developing embedded software might seem like a daunting task. The design process, on the other hand, can be divided into smaller phases with an organized approach, which in turn leads to better planning, execution, and teamwork.

Embedded Systems development is also an emerging technology in gaming, manufacturing, healthcare, AI, and many other fields.

Top 7 Tech Trends in 2023

Now, after a brief look into the basics of embedded systems, it’s time for the main event. We’ve listed seven trends right here:

Edge AI Integration

Integrating AI into any system has become an accepted practice, whether it's via smart CCTV cameras for watching over homes and offices or embedded systems in cars and autonomous machines to revolutionize assembly lines in today's companies. Developers are incorporating additional characteristics and features into platforms that must handle growing volumes of data, make smart judgments, and react rapidly in order to meet the rising need for automation generally and smart automation specifically.

Edge intelligence will play a crucial role in future intelligent machines. This implies that computation occurs near the sensor that acquired the data, making it safer, quicker, and more trustworthy.

In a factory, for instance, cameras may be installed everywhere to monitor machines in real-time and identify potential problems ahead of time. The assembly line's safety and efficiency may suffer and prices could rise if data goes off-site for analysis and evaluation before you can decide to halt production.

If the assembly process has to be paused in an instant, it can be done so thanks to the incorporation of intelligence at the edge.


Given the high value of the data they store in their data centers, embedded software systems typically become the target of hackers. Although credentials and encryption protocols like SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) and SSH (Secure Shell) do give some amount of security, more advanced security measures are required to overcome the weaknesses in embedded systems.

Luckily, the cybersecurity sector has developed IoT security technologies and solutions in response to this threat. These cutting-edge tools offer stronger defense techniques to shield embedded devices from cybercriminals. They use state-of-the-art resources to provide more effective cybersecurity solutions, safeguarding the privacy and safety of embedded systems in record time.

One example is Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). PKI is a new form of embedded security that increases the security of exchanges between verified parties. It encrypts data, authenticates devices, and creates encrypted connections using strong asymmetric cryptography algorithms based on public and private key pairings. 

PKI implementation in embedded systems has several uses, including improved security, communication, and data integrity. It also provides identification and verification of devices, which helps prevent hacking.

Quantum Computing Impact

Quantum Computing is also another one of the IoT trends shaping the future of embedded system development. While still in its early stages, quantum computing harnesses the peculiar properties of the quantum nature of subatomic particles. With its exponential scalability and ability to tackle issues that are beyond complex for the traditional technique, Quantum Computing (QC) has the potential to usher in the end of Moore's Law. With the capacity to do huge computations in seconds instead of minutes on typical computing systems, QC has tremendous potential as a truly revolutionary tool, but it is still at least a decade away from practical application.

Millions of dollars are being invested, and hundreds of businesses, schools, and labs are developing the technology. With strategically positioned sensors, QC can better utilize the massive influx of data to improve system and company decisions.

Open Source Ecosystems

The open-source ecosystem is always changing and improving. Open source is becoming more popular in many fields, including AI and ML; sustainable open-source enterprises are growing; and businesses are increasing their involvement in open-source initiatives.

In the modern digital world, open source is a very useful tool. It has acted as a catalyst for creativity by offering a setting for people to talk about their ideas and work together to develop them. Internet-critical technologies like blockchain and the cloud are offsprings of the open-source ecosystem.

For instance, Linux is a free OS that runs on a vast majority of the world's internet servers, mobile devices (through Android), and supercomputers. Python, JavaScript, and PHP are just a few more computer languages that have had a significant influence.

Security is another area where the open-source approach excels. When many programmers go through the code, errors and security holes may be found and addressed quickly. In addition, it supports digital autonomy by offering users more autonomy from proprietary software and suppliers.

Real-time Operating Systems (RTOS)

A real-time operating system (RTOS) is an OS, but it's quite different from what most people use on their computers at home. These days, users want their mobile or desktop operating system to be able to simplify any task they would need to do. On the other hand, a real-time operating system (RTOS) is optimized for speed and efficiency. It is much smaller, sometimes just a few mbs (compared to more than 20 terabytes), has a basic graphical user interface, and lacks several common tools, such as a web browser.

Because of its advantages, an RTOS is often implemented in an embedded system, which is to say, a system that functions silently inside another. The RTOS is often not user-friendly in any graphical way. Sometimes more than one operating system is combined in order to provide both specific features and comfort.

RTOSes are typically used in cyber-physical networks and other types of smart edge devices. This indicates that the gadget is creating data and performing operations on the data. An automobile, for instance, might constantly assess its environment and respond accordingly. Such gadgets often combine real-time elements with AI ML, or both, to boost the capacity of the core structure.

System-on-Chip (SoC)

System-on-chip (SoC) technologies are another promising development in the realm of embedded system development. Embedded devices have made their impact on the world stage by way of the SOC industry. Many businesses now provide embedded system-on-chip (SoC) solutions. High-performance, compact, cheap, and IP-protected ASICs are one such solution. For instance, the size, weight, and energy needs of healthcare gadgets make ASICs invaluable to their producers.

Bluetooth Low Energy (LE) Audio

With LE Bluetooth audio, you may stream music wirelessly over a Bluetooth connection without turning to the expensive standard Bluetooth radio. There are a plethora of applications for this technology that cover industries, from translation services at global meetings and gatherings to broadcasts in public spaces like railway stations.

The Future of Embedded Systems

There are also many new businesses with plans to modify robots for use in the military and aerospace industries. It's quite interesting to see what comes next in this sector. While some of these will be sequels of previous trends, others will be due to the massive growth of AI in recent times.

The new Bluetooth protocol has the potential to completely alter the functionality of hearing aids. In the coming years, we could create customized transmitting devices to help those with hearing loss, similar to how a conventional Bluetooth headset can receive audio from many different sources at once. By using these specialized transmitters, people with hearing problems may be able to hear sounds just like others who do not have impairments.


How important are embedded systems in today's technologies?

Most of the technology we rely on in our daily lives relies heavily on embedded systems. Embedded system technology is used in everything from household appliances to cellphones to thermostats and alarm systems, all of which run invisibly in our houses.

Are there any challenges with embedded system development?

There are some limits on how far we can take embedded system development. There are both technological constraints, such as available power or space, and business limitations, such as limited resources or money.

How to choose an embedded system platform?

It is crucial to think about things like performance needs, energy usage, connection needs, development resources, and cost when deciding on an embedded system for a certain purpose. In most cases, it’s better to consult with a third-party development company to customize embedded system features to your specific needs.

How much does it cost to develop an embedded system?

It all depends on your specific project, the system, and the company you choose to hire. If you’re looking for an accurate estimate, we’re more than happy to provide a quote.